Chaotic dog shoots are what I spend the majority of my time doing when I have my pet photographer hat on. Often my other more human orientated shoots include dogs too and sometimes the occasional cat. I often get asked whether I photograph cats, to which the answer is yes, when they let me.
Dogs have masters, cats have slaves perfectly sums up the experience of a cat photo shoot. They can't usually be bribed like dogs (only with cat nip and only sometimes) and they generally don't follow instructions which makes life rather difficult.
These silly kitties were riding on a cat nip high when I got this shot, not quite the quintessential portrait, but a fun, if not slightly ridiculous and well timed capture that summed up their personalities perfectly.
Siamese siblings Chai Kitty and Crocus were entranced into sitting still for a moment by some string. After I got this shot, they continued with their unruly game of tag around the lounge.
Figaro had what can only be described as a mental breakdown upon presentation of the camera and decided to hide in the bath. So this is what his official portrait looked like.
My most compliant feline subject to date, this tiny tot was utterly charming which makes up for the rest. LOL.
Unpredictable, non-compliant and slightly ridiculous. There's a very good reason that the expression 'like herding cats' came into being. I have first hand experience (of which I have loved every minute) of the nonchalance of cats. This is why they don't often feature in Sandton SPCA calendars.......
If you have a feline companion in need of an official portrait (maybe if you try and sell it to your cat as something important it might make life easier) please drop me a line.